Sunday 10 April 2011

Storyboard 2

This is my second storyboard i have come up with. i am still undecided in what to do for my final idea so i have done two final storyboards and will continue further with developing them until i decide exactly what to do.

the story is a character will go outside and its a sunny day he will lay his towel down to sunbath and as soon as he does the sun will go in and a rain cloud will come along. He then goes back inside and the sun comes out again, he comes out and starts sunbathing again and as soon as he does that a lighting cloud comes over.

Characters initial idea's

Here are some initial idea's of characters i may use in my storyboard and perhaps my final piece.

Workshop 2

In this work Shop we drew out 37 sketches of a quick story that we are then gong to scan into Adobe Aftereffects and make a video from. This is called cell animation

I have uploaded the key frames of the story onto the blog to show the story.

Storyboard one

Here is my first storyboard i drew out. Theres going to be a villian than comes into shot and plants a bomb however a good guy comes along and saves the day.

Ive still not decided yet wether to draw my own characters out or use figures such as lego or actionman to show the movements.

Experimenting With Stop Motion Continued ..

Heres another quick experiment using iStopmotion again. There are a few mistakes in it but this has helped me learn more about the software so next time i should be able to overcome these mistakes.

Experimenting with Stop Motion

I downloaded a software called Boinx iStopMotion and carryied on experiemnting on my own mac at home. i set a timer for 20 seconds per frame so that i had time to change tshirt for the next shot. i think te video is effective however if i was to do it again i think i would make me have more movement in it.

Workshop On Stop Motion

The clip above is from the stop motion workshop we had. We used the software iStopMotion to create a small clip using the figures provided.

First Impression of the Audio

Concierto de AranJuez by Miles Davis the piece of audio i will be using for my final animation was recorded around the 1950's and sounds Jazzy. Other words i would use to describe it would be;

Suspicious, Old Fashioned, Apprehensive, A feeling of uncertainty, A dilemma, A build up, War, Devastation, Tension building.

The Audio I Have Been Given

For my Final Piece i have been given the song Concierto de AranJuez by Miles Davis.

Monday 4 April 2011

Stop Motion

I researched into stop motion and came across some inspiration videos that were made using stop motion.

Matt Groening

Matt Groening the man who created The Simpsons is a big influence for me on this module.

Matt started out by designing a comic strip titled "life in hell" that was quite succsesful and then this lead on to bigger and better things such as the tv cartoons The Simpsons and Futurama.